Recently, I caught up with two great friends and colleagues for lunch. These two women are all around great people, of incredible character, wonderful moms and high performing Principals. I’m lucky to have them in my circle.
During our catch up, I was particularly interested in hearing their stories about their young adult children - the first whose daughter is heading to university for the first time and the other whose son is beginning his first “real” job - post university - in his field of study. How exciting for both of them!
It was amazing for me to listen to these two moms tell their kids’ stories, each filled with huge opportunity and big emotion.
On the car ride home, my mind wandered a bit and then it dawned on me… My girlfriends’ current realities with their adult children are very, very similar to a younger parent who is dropping their child at school for the first time. Yes, juxtaposed over time ( say 4 years old compared to 18 or 23) … but loads of similar feelings, hopes, dreams and questions. Thus, parents experience many similar moments during these two life milestone moments. The internal dialogue is similar, but repeated again and spread out over a 15 year gap (approximately).
Here’s The Way The Internal Conversation Could Go - Written From The Perspective Of The Parent:
So, it doesn’t matter what situation or stage of life that we find ourselves in this coming fall. We know that change is coming. These are proud moments - which we should all celebrate.
Here’s what I know for sure… it will all work itself out - over time. Our kids are ready. And they are going to be just fine without us.
That’s all I have for now.